Monday, August 24, 2015

Week 46

Hello everybody!

About a month ago we went out to dinner with a senior couple in Prague after a conference, and they had previously served in France. They were telling us about a friend they had, an old lady, who had been meeting with the missionaries for years and years, but baptism was always a concern for her. One day, she asked the missionaries if she could recieve a blessing, and the missionaries weren't sure if they were allowed to without permission, so they told her no and never returned to it again. Then this senior couple became good friends with her a few years later, and the older lady told them that she had previously wanted a priesthood blessing. This elder (who is now working in the archives here in Brno) gave her a blessing, and it changed her! She was baptised and the gospel has blessed her life ever since. 

This week we were working with our friend miroslav who is so prepared, but after hearing this story my companion and I felt the impression to offer him a priesthood blessing. A member of the branch gave a beautiful blessing to this man, and it left an incredible feeling in his home. His baptism is in a few weeks and he feels so good! Its amazing what the gospel does to people. We have a funny relationship with Miroslav and his daughter Karolinka - we joke around a lot. He never really understood why its important to be baptized by someone with proper authority and this week we asked him who he wanted to baptize him. the conversation went like this : us - Will you think about who you want to baptize you? Miroslav - It's the same to me. Someone who has authority. then I put out my fist and he pounded it. It was a proud moment.

Also this week, all the youth got back from FSY (european EFY) - this week at fast and testimony meeting, they all ran up to the front as soon as they opened it up to everyone and gave incredible testimonies - speaking way beyond their years. One young man in particular - Last transfer he looked like he was getting dragged there every week and listened to music the whole time. This week sister Schaerrer and I got there to unlock the building, and he was standing there in a suit and tie to get the sacrament ready - like a new person! It was really cool to see what an impact it had on all of them. And then their parents started getting up and bearing their testimonies, and at the end, Gad Vojkuvka got up to bear his testimony. He was one of the few first members here in czech republic during communism. He expressed his confidence in the hands the church will be in the czech republic. It was a really powerful testimony meeting. 

In other news, there were two companionships of sisters in my mtc group. Me and sister fredrickson, and sister clark and sister birkeland. Sister Clark and Sister Birkeland are serving togther right now where I was BORN in good ol pardubice. Remember the chocolate shop lady? She dropped the sisters after I left - and they found her again! And she is preparing for baptism! I was so happy I almost cried. Her, her husband and her cute little boy who was always trying to explain to me mindcraft in czech when i had been in the country for like 2 months. 

Something else kind of cool, we started meeting with a really nice man who's wife is a priestess at one of the most famous cathedrals in brno. And his job is to open and close the doors everyday.. How cool is that?! 

Love you all-

S laskou,
Sestra Holland

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