Monday, December 22, 2014

Week 15

Hey Everybody! It's been a pretty good week. Everything here is getting christmasafied. We got to be super careful because the cobblestones just get completely iced over and it is super slippery. We usually are walking with an old lady on our backs (not literally but almost) We did quite a bit of tracting this week which was a good experience. We took the bus out of the city part of pardubice to the homes with lots of families. Hopefully those appointments go well this week. There are a lot less crazies over there. One of the elders in our mission made these awesome christmas contacting cards and people are really digging those. It's getting sufficiently cold but boy is it beautiful. A lot of the people we visit are getting sick and go to "spas".. its so strange they have like this whole town in czech republic where people go when they are sick. they just leave their families for a couple weeks and stay in this spa town where they get paid to do nothing. And the worst part is we can't contact them because they drop off the face of the planet. I don't understand it. But ya, it's really pretty here. The christmas markets are up in the náměstí. OH and this week was saint nicholas day or something like that. saint nicholas (not the santa we know) and the devil and an angel come to kids doors. if they were good they get a present if they are bad they get coal. We saw people dressed up everywhere that night it was fun. This is our last week before next transfer. Man how fast time flies. Sister framp and i don't want to part but we will see what happens. Pardubice is my birthplace and man do i love it. We will see what happens and next week we can figure out christmas call and everything. Enjoy the christmas season everyone! And remember what its all about. Love you. Stay classy

Sestra Holland

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