Thursday, October 30, 2014

Week 10

Hey everyone your talking to an official citizen of Pardubice.. we got bus passes! That was pretty exciting. Hope everyones doing well. sounds like the halloween party was a success. dobra praca rachael and aaron. 

only been a few days since i last emailed but monday is our real pday. it should start getting more regular from now on. First off.. Slavek.. We started teaching him my my first couple days here. He wants to get baptized. BOOM. Not really sure about him yet because hes a little out there but we just got to keep preparing him. A few lessons ago he started asking us questions with a vocabulary I am not the slightest bit familiar with, but I kept hearing the word "revolver" in between words like kill and die. I started to sweat in my chair a little coming up with a plan to disarm him and put him in a headlock or whatever. I asked sister frampton about it after and it was all hypothetical. no worries family. He also is sort of in love with my companion. we had cenek explain to him about us being missionaries and everything. what would we do without cenek. 

We had 3 investigators come to church with us this sunday! slavek jonht and jiri. And then cenek and pavel to of the members ride the train with us so sestra frampton and i had our little possy on the train. Jiri is also awesome. he sort looks sketchy because he wears sunglasses all the time and never stops talking about conspiracy stuff. In our first lesson I asked him to read a scripture, little did i know he wears glasses because he's mostly blind! So yes I asked a blind man to read. We had a nice chat on the way to church so I think he has forgiven me for making him read with half an eye. I love how people here when you ask how they are doing a lot of them will say AWFUL. so straightforward. so jiri always says he's spatny and we always ask if we can do anything for him. But on the way to church yesterday i finally just straight up asked him .. jiri, why are you always so spatny. basically the "judges" are taking away his business/house/money which sort of explains it. also proves his sketchyness. he's awesome

theres this one guy lukas who we have been teaching and he is an english teacher. he is THE most fickle person I have ever met in my life. Its hilarious when he takes us to eat dinner we go to like 10 restuarants before he can decide. gotta love him still. even though he frustrates the heck out of me he's pretty hilarious. Last week though! it was so exciting we didn't even need to ask him about the book of mormon he just whipped it out and got really excited about it. its awesome when people finally start reading the book of mormon. you can tell so easily when they do its like night and day.

we went contacting on saturday and pardubice was literally dead. we couldnt figure out where everyone goes on saturdays. No one is home. No one is walking around and all the stores are closed. we basically just talked to drunk people laying on the street. 

JONHT. he's a homeless romanian gypsy dude. we cant understand a word from each other so usually we just let him read the romanian book of mormon aloud and we follow along in ours. on sundays he comes with us to church and then skypes with the romanian elders at the bells house after. always always it ends in jonht storming out yelling at us in romanian becuase he wants us to buy him a ticket back to romania/get him a job. crazy dude. sister frampton gets MAD at jonht its kind of fun to watch. 

i made grandma hollands cookies and brought them to members houses. they were ok but not great. our oven doesnt have temperature and they dont have real vanilla or brown sugar here so they were a little funky but not too bad. i had kofola, kenedliky, svickova all the good stuff this week. yum. i actually had my fist svickova like 30 minutes ago.. i ate the whole thing and seriously impressed a lot of people. 

not much else has happened. oh ya an old lady spiked our drinks yesterday and beardy old ladies keep trying to kiss me on the lips. so far no one has got me. booya.

Love you. miss you. stay awesome
sestra holland

It's getting cold!

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